Our Engagement with You

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Your opinion matters. We recognize the value and importance of involving residents more effectively in the development of policies, programs, services and initiatives for Thunder Bay. The knowledge, energy and ideas of citizens can improve governance and decision making.

We have developed a Public Engagement Framework to guide the way that we engage citizens and help to develop stronger relationships between the City and community.

Read our Public Engagement Framework:

Development of the Public Engagement Framework

Our framework was shaped by the Connect Thunder Bay Citizen Engagement Report (available in the Document Library). More than 250 people shared their views on the best way to engage citizens in the development of City programs, services, initiatives and policies. A draft Framework was then developed, and citizen input was gathered from July 23 - Aug. 20, 2018, to further shape the final Framework. Read the citizen input and how the framework was adapted. The final Framework was approved by City Council on August. 27, 2018.

What To Expect

The City of Thunder Bay is guided by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum of Public Participation.

When engaging with the community, we will be clear:

  • what is the goal
  • what are we hoping for
  • what can you expect

Our Principles

  • Inclusive - We will inform and involve those who are affected directly and indirectly.
  • Meaningful - We will further a clear policy purpose in the best interests of residents and municipal property taxpayers.
  • Responsive - We will use effective communication, keeping in mind diverse needs, backgrounds and interests. We will reflect back how stakeholder views affect outcomes.

Your opinion matters. We recognize the value and importance of involving residents more effectively in the development of policies, programs, services and initiatives for Thunder Bay. The knowledge, energy and ideas of citizens can improve governance and decision making.

We have developed a Public Engagement Framework to guide the way that we engage citizens and help to develop stronger relationships between the City and community.

Read our Public Engagement Framework:

Development of the Public Engagement Framework

Our framework was shaped by the Connect Thunder Bay Citizen Engagement Report (available in the Document Library). More than 250 people shared their views on the best way to engage citizens in the development of City programs, services, initiatives and policies. A draft Framework was then developed, and citizen input was gathered from July 23 - Aug. 20, 2018, to further shape the final Framework. Read the citizen input and how the framework was adapted. The final Framework was approved by City Council on August. 27, 2018.

What To Expect

The City of Thunder Bay is guided by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum of Public Participation.

When engaging with the community, we will be clear:

  • what is the goal
  • what are we hoping for
  • what can you expect

Our Principles

  • Inclusive - We will inform and involve those who are affected directly and indirectly.
  • Meaningful - We will further a clear policy purpose in the best interests of residents and municipal property taxpayers.
  • Responsive - We will use effective communication, keeping in mind diverse needs, backgrounds and interests. We will reflect back how stakeholder views affect outcomes.
Page last updated: 20 Aug 2019, 09:46 AM