Boulevard Garden and Maintenance By-law

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An example of a boulevard garden

** This survey has now closed**

The Boulevard Garden and Maintenance By-law will allow homeowners and property owners to plant perennials and annuals in the boulevard in front of their home.

The proposed by-law is meant to provide gardeners with additional space to plant, and help beautify the City. It will also allow the City to enforce a number of rules for Boulevard Gardens, to allow for the safe maintenance of city streets, access for utilities underground, maintain easy access to fire hydrants and utility poles, and provide clear sightlines onto public roads.

You can watch when the Boulevard Garden

** This survey has now closed**

The Boulevard Garden and Maintenance By-law will allow homeowners and property owners to plant perennials and annuals in the boulevard in front of their home.

The proposed by-law is meant to provide gardeners with additional space to plant, and help beautify the City. It will also allow the City to enforce a number of rules for Boulevard Gardens, to allow for the safe maintenance of city streets, access for utilities underground, maintain easy access to fire hydrants and utility poles, and provide clear sightlines onto public roads.

You can watch when the Boulevard Garden and Maintenance By-law was presented as a First Report to Council on September 23, 2024.

Some of the rules in the draft By-law include:

  • Height restrictions on plants
  • Gardens must be 1 metre from a tree
  • Planter boxes are not permitted
  • Garden/boulevard height cannot be raised
  • Ditches cannot be used for a garden
  • Sight lines must be maintained for roads and driveways
  • 1.5 metre radius required from utility poles, fire hydrants

The survey is now closed for this consultation. You can still submit feedback on how the proposed Boulevard Garden and Maintenance By-law can be used to help beautify Thunder Bay, while also maintaining safety standards for employees and contractors on city property, by contacting the Climate Action Specialist, with their contact information found on this page.

The survey was open until October 17, 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is now closed.

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Page last updated: 16 Jan 2025, 10:18 AM